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News for 11-Jan-25 Source: MedicineNet Prevention and Wellness General Source: MedicineNet Senior Health General Source: MedicineNet Senior Health General Source: MedicineNet Prevention and Wellness General
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beauregard memorial hospital Three Questions People Are Asking About Health Care in America by: Marc Eskew
Q. Why is there so may uninsured people in America? A. There are over 44 million uninsured people in this country and over 75 million underinsured because of three main factors: 1. Insurance rates continue to rise each year by 10-25% forcing many people to drop their health insurance. 2. Layoffs in the job market have left many people in a difficult situation when it comes to protecting their families. Many of those that aren't laid off are seeing their insurance benefits cut. 3. More Americans today are facing health challenges that virtually make them uninsurable. Q. How is America coping with this growing problem? A. Not very well. The only alternative so far for many thousands of people is to seek medical care in overcrowded, understaffed, county hospitals where they virtually have no choice as to the quality of the Health Care they receive. Q. So what is the answer to this growing problem for those trapped in the Health Care Crisis? A. Well, if someone finds themselves trapped in the middle of either not being able to afford traditional major medical insurance, or not able to qualify for insurance because of pre-existing conditions, the alternative is to participate in a health care savings benefit program. These programs allow you to purchase your health care at Managed Care Prices which are the reduced rates that traditional insurance companies pay the doctors and hospitals. The better programs also offer additional membership insured benefits as well like accident benefits, daily hospital benefit, office visit benefit, and accidental death benefits to name a few. The key to finding a program to fit your needs is to look for a company that has been in business for a long time with a track record of assisting people attain these kinds of savings. A program with feature driven benefits is your best value when looking for non-insurance alternative health care solutions in today's market.
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