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News for 12-Feb-25 Source: MedicineNet Prevention and Wellness General Source: MedicineNet Senior Health General Source: MedicineNet Prevention and Wellness General Source: MedicineNet Senior Health General |
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Well maybe she knows something about mail order medical supplies and can tell you a bit but, in some cases, her information will probably be incomplete unless she spends a great deal of time on the Internet. Research takes time and we all know that most mothers do not have any extra time. So, we have decided to give you a Mothers Love by providing you with the best mail order medical supplies resources available. We have spent many hours scouring the Net for information about mail order medical supplies and have linked them here for you. Just take a few minutes and click the link below for a great mail order medical supplies resource. mail order medical supplies
Knowing you're getting value for money is very important in buying mail order medical supplies, so by coming to this web site you can rest with the sound knowledge that you are getting the mail order medical supplies you paid for. By buying through our recommend links you can also rest assured your mail order medical supplies will be of the highest quality. How do we know? Because when we're shopping for mail order medical supplies ourselves it's where we go. You might wonder why we're suggesting you click on some outside links rather than stay on our mail order medical supplies site. Well it's because we've only just put this site up and haven't yet got it fully operational. Our aim is to be the best site for mail order medical supplies info on the net, and I'm sure that one day soon we'll achieve it. So please bookmark us and come back soon. Meanwhile please follow one of the links. Your Dentist Might Stop Your Next Heart Attack by: Ken Kowalsky
As the Webmaster for a site dedicated to helping people save money when they go to the dentist, I find myself having to consistently fight two different and distinct battles; one against the average Americans reluctance to pay the high cost of modern dental care and the other is the same Americans belief that seeing a dentist regularly just isn't that important. The first battle I have a decent chance of winning but the second battle I've had to throw my hands up in surrender; I mean if someone doesn't care about their teeth enough to have them taken care of by a dentist, what can I possibly say to convince them otherwise? How about this; "Did you know that your next visit to the dentist could prevent a heart attack?" Medical researchers have known for years now that there's a definite link between gum disease (i.e. gingivitis) and persons' risk for a heart disease (see Evidence is mounting, however, that information gleaned from a routine panoramic dental X-rays-wide-angle frontal images --taken to establish the baseline condition of teeth and surrounding bone-- may serve as an accurate early-warning system of risk of dying from heart attack or stroke. According to researchers at the University of Buffalo School of Dental medicine, a study of 818 teeth and jaw x-rays of Pima Indians in Arizona found that those who had a build-up of calcified plaque in the carotid arteries were twice as likely to die from heart attack or stroke. Normally, calcified plaque is present in only about 3 percent of the general population. An earlier study of 2,700 dental patients showed calcium deposits on each side of the carotid arteries can be spotted in x-rays of the teeth and jaw bone. It makes sense that the dental x-rays would see the carotid artery --which carries blood from the heart to the brain and back-- so dentists should be aware that it is screening tool for cardiovascular disease. If they see signs of calcification in dental x-rays, they tell the patient to see his or her doctor ASAP. BOTTOM LINE: Most dental insurance plans allow you a yearly dental exam at little or no cost so schedule a complete check-up, including x-rays, with your dentist ASAP. If you don't have dental insurance, consider enrolling in a discount dental plan that fits your budget and then go see a dentist ASAP.
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