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News for 12-Feb-25

Source: MedicineNet Senior Health General
Heart Rate Change When Standing Up Might Predict Older Adult's Death Risk

Source: MedicineNet Prevention and Wellness General
Do Vitamin Supplements Make Sense?

Source: MedicineNet Senior Health General
1 in 4 Seniors Doesn't Discuss End-of-Life Care

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The Happy Get Lucky in Their Older Years

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The Best employee assistance programs website

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The real determining factor in buying employee assistance programs is the total cost. That is what determines real value. Total cost is not just price for employee assistance programs, but what you'll actually get for the price. Most people think the most important determining factor in a sale is the price. But recent studies show that consumers ranked price no higher than 9th and, on average, 13th in its level of importance.

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To Protect Allergy Sufferers In Your Home

 by: News Canada

(NC)-For those who suffer from allergies the spring season comes much too soon. It's a time when allergy symptoms can be at their worst. Pollen levels rise during the spring as trees and flowers begin to bloom causing sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes and nasal congestion.

Thankfully, there's no place like home to escape from these airborne allergens. Or is there? Dust, mold and other allergens can also make a home seem unbearable for allergy sufferers.

The good news is that there are ways to reduce these irritants and make your home a haven from outdoor pollen and mould spore attacks.

There are a number of preventative steps that the estimated one in five Canadians who suffer from allergies can take to reduce the number of allergens in their living spaces. The most effective and simple steps involve sanitizing your environment with a thorough cleaning.

If you don't want outdoor pollen, dust, dust mites and mould to be "at home" with you, here are a few suggestions:

  • In the bedroom, discourage dust mites by encasing mattresses, pillows and box springs in airtight or allergen-proof casings and/or regularly vacuum them. Sheets should be washed weekly in hot water to kill dust mites. Use comforters and pillows made of synthetic fiber and replace synthetic pillows every two or three years.

  • In the bathroom, the biggest problem may be mold. Wash the tile behind the tub, shower doors and around the sink with an anti-fungal cleaner. Replace vinyl shower curtain liners regularly.

  • Wash curtains, drapes, bedding and children's stuffed animals in hot water to eliminate dust.

  • Keep pets and their animal danders out of bedrooms.

  • Keep furnishings, household decorations and collections of knickknacks to a minimum. The fewer surfaces on which dust can collect, the easier your home will be to clean.

  • Get rid of house plants. They are a major source of mould and dust.

  • Remove carpets and replace them with tiled or wooden floors.

  • Have furnaces serviced, ducts cleaned and appropriate filters put on the furnace and the vents. Keep humidifiers and air conditioners clean.

For more information on coping with allergies contact 1-800-665-1507 or visit www.claritin.ca.

About The Author

News Canada provides a wide selection of current, ready-to-use copyright free news stories and ideas for Television, Print, Radio, and the Web.

News Canada is a niche service in public relations, offering access to print, radio, television, and now the Internet media, with ready-to-use, editorial "fill" items. Monitoring and analysis are two more of our primary services. The service supplies access to the national media for marketers in the private, the public, and the not-for-profit sectors. Your corporate and product news, consumer tips and information are packaged in a variety of ready-to-use formats and are made available to every Canadian media organization including weekly and daily newspapers, cable and commercial television stations, radio stations, as well as the Web sites Canadians visit most often. Visit News Canada and learn more about the NC services.


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